Prof Agostino G. Bruzzone
University of Genoa, ItalySimulation, IA & Mixed Reality within Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is currently an hotspot, therefore the new technologies are providing opportunities to further develop the industrial processes; in this sector the use of Simulation and SoftComputing Solution combined with Mixed Reality are enabling real changes. The Presentation will provide an overview of facts versus tales and will propose a set of projects and examples where these approaches have been effectively applied. In some case previous Researches on Human Behavior Modelling and in Intelligent Agents have been readapted to support the evolution of Industrial Processes

Agostino G. Bruzzone began his engineering studies at the Italian Naval Academy with the Faculty of Pisa. After successfully completing this phase, he transferred to the University of Genoa where he earned his PhD in Mechanical Engineering.
Since early '90, he has taught "Theories and Techniques of Automatic Control" and in 1992 he has become a member of the industrial simulation work group at the ITIM University of Genoa.
Currently he works in the Department of Industrial Production, Thermo-Energy, Engineering and Mathematical Modelling (DIME, formerly DIPTEM, DIPEM, DIP and ITIM) at the University of Genoa as Full Professor.
He is with the Simulation Team MITIM DIPTEM Genoa, Director for the McLeod Institute of Simulation Science (an Institution with 28 Centers distributed worldwide: Brazil, China, USA, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Canada, Spain etc.) and he is General Director of M&S Net an International Network involving 34 Centers.
He is founder member and president of the Liophant Simulation and Simulation Team.
He is active in the field of simulator-based applications for industrial plants, developing new methodologies and intelligent system integration techniques. He has utilized extensively simulation techniques in logistics, industrial plants, harbor terminals, marine sector and sailboat racing sectors.
He has written more than 250 scientific papers in International Journals and Conferences, in addition to books, technical/professional reports in partnerships with major companies (i.e. IBM, Fiat Group, Contship, Solvay) and agencies (i.e. NASA, European Defence Agency, NATO, National Center for Simulation, Italian MoD, Italian Navy, US Army).
Agostino Bruzzone is in charge as Director of the Technical Council of "SIMulation applications in Management, PLanning & forEcaSTing" for the Society of Computer Simulation International.
He has served as a member of International Technical and Organization Committees (i.e. AI Application of IASTED, AI Conference, ESS, ESM, AMS, etc.) and as a General Coordinator of several scientific initiatives (i.e. General Chair of Simulation in Industry Conference, "Summer Computer Simulation Conference", "International Mediterranean Modelling Multiconference", International Workshop on Applied Modeling & Simulation and Web Based Simulation Conference, Program Chair of the Workshop in Harbor and Logistics Modeling, Guest Editor for Special Issue of Harbor and Maritime Simulation and "Supply Chain Simulation" in International Journals, Member of the Editorial Board of Simulation, Program Chair of Engineering Application in WCSS and Track Chair for Manufacturing in SCSC, among others).
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