Prof Pierre Collet
Strasbourg University, FranceComplex Systems: a new science born in the XXth century
In the beginning of the XXth century, scientists proved that Newtonian Physics was not capable of representing the world around because it was based on mathematics. A new science had then to be invented, having as an aim to find new models to represent the world around us, in between the infinitely small and the infinitely large, by reconstructing models from observed data. The objective of the new science of Complex Systems is to understand multi-scale dynamics on the frontier of chaos, in order to predict (in probability) what could happen and not what will happen (cf. Ilya Prigogine, 1977 Nobel Laureate) at the level of the planet ecosphere (climate, economy, education, health, etc...). Starting from observed data, it is possible to reconstruct models to simulate and try to prevent catastrophes in an adapted manner. This talk will show examples of emergent behaviour and particularly, the emergence of collective intelligence.

Pierre Collet is Professor of Computer Scicence at Strasbourg University. President of the French Association for Artificial Evolution from 2003 to 2008 and head of the BFO (Bioinformatics, Data-Mining and Optimization) research team from 2007 to 2011, Prof. Pierre Collet was the head of the Department of Computer Science of the Strasbourg University from 2011 to 2015. He is now the coordinator of the Complex Systems Digital Campus UNESCO UniTwin, a large network of more than 120 universities around the world that are developing the new science of Complex Systems. He was the Organisation Chair of CS-DC'15, the first world e-conference on Complex Systems and is now head of the CSTB (Complex Systems and Translational Biology) research team at ICube Laboratory (CNRS 7357 UMR). Pierre Collet's research specializes on Complex Systems, education and health ecosystems, and massively parallel artificial evolution using massively parallel GPU cards. The EASEA (EAsy Specification of Evolutionary Algorithms) platform developed in his group was the winner of the GECCO 2012 GPUs for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation competition, with automatic speedups over x400. Along with S. Tsutsui, Pierre Collet edited the first book on Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation on GPUs (Springer 2013).
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