Prof Christoph Reich
University of Applied Science in Furtwangen (HFU), GermanyThe Need of Machine Learning for Industrie 4.0
Typical applications of Cyber-Physical System (CPS), tightly integrated with the Internet, often associated as Industry 4.0, are monitoring production lines, do remote diagnosis of machines, are predicting machine maintenance, or optimize production. All of these applications process their data in the Cloud and compared to traditional industry manufacturing, create added value by increasing productivity and profitability.
Generally machine learning can revolutionize manufacturing in many ways. Of particular interest and focus of this paper is the usage of machine learning in condition monitoring to provide manufacturers with Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), in determing which factors have most and least impact to the quality of products, increase production yields, and do maintenance prediction of machines. But, nevertheless, machine learning can also be used to enhance the protection of production or machine data and to increase the security of CPSs.
The paper discusses how Industry 4.0 can profit from machine learning methods. It starts with possible machine learning data resources in a CPS, proposes a scalable infrastructure to collect the data, analyses and prepares the data for further processing by machine learning methods. Special machine learning methods are discussed to detect abnormal behaviour of production, of machines, of communication, of data usage, etc.. and finally points out the importance of usability of machine learning method for domain experts.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Reich is professor at the faculty of computer science at the university of applied science in Furtwangen (HFU) and teaches in the field of distributed systems, Cloud Computing, IT security. He is CIO of the HFU Information- and Media Centre, that is the scientific director for the IT data centre, Online-Services, Learning-Services, and library department. He is head of the Institute of Cloud Computing and IT-Security (IfCCITS; Several research projects have been done or still running under the supervision of Prof. Reich.
One of the BMBF-founded projects, Security Audit as a Service (SAaaS), goal was to develop an software architecture provided as a Software as a Service, which enables an auditor to do a security audit of a Cloud Computing infrastructure. The FP7 EU project A4Cloud ended 2016 brought accountability to the cloud provider. Our part of the project is to implement an evidence framework, working on an assertion tool and build an audit tool to show the accountability of the cloud infrastructure. The current project HALFBACK tries to ensure hight-availability production (HAP) processes by predicting machine and tool failures, product quality losses, resources flow problems, etc.. In addition, HAP should be achieved by an optimized and intelligent way of scheduling maintenance at the right time, replacing components in non-productive times, re-scheduling production processes, and even relocating production to another company.
To summarize, Christoph Reich's research interests are in Cloud Computing, Industry 4.0, IT-Security and Data Privacy.
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